Sunday, June 28, 2009

God Talks

Me: Hey wassup ??
God: Its going good. What's up with you?

Me: Umm , its good , but lot of things troubling me lately.
God: OK .

Me: I have been wondering if you are real .
God: (laughs) What do you think?

Me: Sometimes I feel very strong presence of you around me, but mostly I think you are not real.
God: So you talking with Unreal entity now.. right? (smiles) . OK when do you feel my presence ?

Me: I don't know, but sometimes when I am truly inspired. Sometimes when I feel passionate, I think you around that time.
But I see people having so firm believe on you. That's what amazes me. may be because I believe too much in science and logic stuff that's why its hard for me to have faith.
So are you there??

God: I exist when people believe me to exist.
I don't exist for non- believers.
and Faith has nothing to do with science and logic.
Its just next step of learning.
Learning that not everything can be learned.
Human mind can think (act of belief/faith) and can unconsciously do things and produce results, which they refer as gods grace.
Assuming my presence they pray, they believe I am real and I am with them this gives them energy to do their job with ever more effort.
Hence they get better results (because of their actions only, not because of me).
People see it as "I prayed to god and I succeeded" and hence people think I exist.
But faith is the key. if no faith- no effort in actions and no good results.
So- I exist when people believe me to exist, for others I am unreal.

Me: But there are number of people who succeed in their lives, but they are non believers.
God: Its about point of view.
Successful people believe in their ideas and they are passionate about their beliefs
They are successful because they believe in themselves.
U can say that Faith is ME.
I am the guitar of Jimmy Hendrix.
I am the brush of Picasso.
I was in the organ of Ray Manzarek.
Michael Jackson felt me, when he sung and danced.
I am passion.
These people may be non- believers in worlds eyes, but they were BELIEVER of their ideas.
They are believers.

Me: That reminds me - are you are omnipresent?
God: Yes, I am everywhere.

Me: Why doesn't anyone see you?
God: People don't look properly.
When you work with passion -- that pleasant excitement of of work is ME.
You can feel me in all actions if that action is deepest desire of your heart.
As I said - Michael Jackson felt me, when he sung and danced.

Worship is not always about coming to temple and pray.
Its about your commitment to what you do.

God: So finally?
Me: Do your job best, and no job can be done best with intention of result.
As they say - No flight can be higher than the one which knows not where it is flying.
So act and do best, when you are really there... you will feel me.


Abhishek Seth said...

If I say "I don't believe in God & everything is cause-effect", you would say the logic behind that cause-effect is God. You have covered up everything under the name of GOD.

Pavan said...

Almost a precise definition of God!! Keep it up Shubs! But a lot of spelling mistakes [:P]

too many questions ...too few answers said...

dint know u were a doors fan.. :)

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

( B )
Entering in the field of Pure & Perfect means escaping from “part” to “total” one. If you want to feel or experience the “Existence” you will have to go beyond “cause & effect” (working way of existence). To attain this Oneness several ways are possible according to the spectrum available or you can even say as many ways are available as the persons are. Brush of Picasso and Guitar of Jimmy Hendrix were never be considered as form of worship but for them these instruments become gate to enter in the field of perfection. Ancient Indian Rishis also follow their own and independent way. They were Scientists, Theoreticians and Philosophers of that time left a long way behind to follow.
You are very right to say that “Do your job best and no job can be done best with intention of result.” Every one can attain this Perfection or Oneness by doing his job or work here and now. But remember, it is only possible when you are doing it not as a cause of something imagined. Do your work without wishing something as a result. Immediately you will go beyond the rule of “Cause and Effect”.
Without imagining a result what will be the source of inspiration to do something? Two things are to be considered. One, due to our present frame of reference, physical as well as mental and sequence of serials of our past in our unconscious mind (called “Sanskar” in Sanskrit language), We are condemned to do something according to our mental serials. Second, due to our past practice and experience, we know only one type of pleasure i.e. pleasure of excitement. We do not know the other one i.e. pleasure of perfection, pleasure of equity. After its taste inspiration will not be a problem. So, the problem is not practical.

Unknown said...

( C )
You know, your spectrum may be quite fit for the professionals (also , mostly adopted in ancient India by super class of intellectuals) but there are so many other ways to go. Love and Devotion is another remarkable way to overcome the rule of Cause and Effect. In the great book of our time—“SHRIMADBHAGATGEETA” there are few ‘have been popular’ ways are described to attain and understand that pure existence and its worldly expression named “Karma Yoga”, “Bhakti Yoga”, “Gyana Yoga” etc. One may follow, which suits him. These are brands in the field, other local ones are also available and as effective as branded. In ancient India Patanjalli,the great Rishi and Lord Buddha organized the way to attain this Perfection as an independent discipline called “Ashtang Yog”(eight steps of addition to get that ONE, PURE,PERFECT & PERMANENT.)
Now conclude:
There are two way to do the things; first, being governed by the cause and effect i.e. area of logic; Second, being beyond the first. When you believe, devote or whatever you do without subjectivity or with full commitment or without creating a cause, at least on mental plane; you are following the second. It is right way because full commitment means full attention means no division means oneness means perfection and purity. You may label it whatever you feel fit; God or otherwise.


Unknown said...

Please read comment(e) (f) (g) in continuation(e)
Friendly talk of you and your God inspired me to say something serious on the subject as follows-
What GOD is or what is GOD? Question is as old as God Himself.
The Masters in the field or top Seers known to the world declined to reply.
Even Gautama Buddha denied entertaining the question. They did not say that their search for Ultimate was in vain. They were fully satisfied by the result they attained at last. Why did they do so?
What they attained was “Existence”, near to experience but far from expression. God is pure & perfect existence nothing else. We know that existence ( God) by a property expressed in ourselves in the form of “ I ” (some other one may say it “Ego”). This property is run by Cause and Effect. There are two root-causes. One is “wish to have” or “attachment”. Second is “detachment” or “wish to not have” or “aversion”. These two root causes work in the form of “involvement” and “non-involvement” or in the form of “Alignment” and “Isolation”. Effect of these causes is a type of excitement either positive or negative in accordance with the frame of reference of the subject. Every cause creates the change. Generally, by excitement we mean sudden change of high intensity. Actually, every change is a type of excitement, provoke us to feel pleasure or pain. Positive excitement is felt as pleasure and Negative excitement is felt as pain or sorrow.
This “Cause and Effect” is one of the basic properties which makes the existence expressed, that is our practical world. God has nothing to do with this universe, property of cause and effect is sufficient to do all the things needed to deal with. It is the secret of HIS eternal freedom and purity. This law of expressed world is “DHARMA”. To practice Dharma is to understand this property properly with orientation to the fullness & perfection. Cause and Effect is only one property, not existence in full. So, Dharma is proper understanding of this changing (by cause and effect) world and inspiration to live in equanimity, not in excitement-positive or negative. More precisely, practice of living in equanimity by proper understanding of this ever changing world is Dharma; Dharma without adjective. Living in equanimity is unknown to us. As it is a matter of living and no one can live the other’s life. So, nobody can know it as second hand experience; it is always known as first hand experience by entering in the EXISTENCE. That’s why Masters kept mum on the subject.

Unknown said...

Entering in the field of Pure & Perfect means escaping from “part” to “total” one. If you want to feel or experience the “Existence” you will have to go beyond “cause & effect” (working way of existence). To attain this Oneness several ways are possible according to the spectrum available or you can even say as many ways are available as the persons are. Brush of Picasso and Guitar of Jimmy Hendrix were never being considered as form of worship but for them these instruments become gate to enter in the field of perfection. Ancient Indian Rishis also follow their own and independent way. They were Scientists, Theoreticians and Philosophers of that time left a long way behind to follow.
You are very right to say that “Do your job best and no job can be done best with intention of result.” Every one can attain this Perfection or Oneness by doing his job or work here and now. But remember, it is only possible when you are doing it not as a cause of something imagined. Do your work without wishing something as a result. Immediately you will go beyond the rule of “Cause and Effect”.
Without imagining a result what will be the source of inspiration to do something? Two things are to be considered. One, due to our present frame of reference, physical as well as mental and sequence of serials of our past in our unconscious mind (called “Sanskar” in Sanskrit language), We are condemned to do something according to our mental serials. Second, due to our past practice and experience, we know only one type of pleasure i.e. pleasure of excitement. We do not know the other one i.e. pleasure of perfection, pleasure of equanimity. After its taste inspiration will not be a problem. So, the problem is not practical.
You know, your spectrum may be quite fit for the professionals (also, mostly adopted in ancient India by super class of intellectuals) but there are so many other ways to go. Love and Devotion is another remarkable way to overcome the rule of Cause and Effect. In the great book of our time—“SHRIMADBHAGATGEETA” there are few ‘have been popular’ ways are described to attain and understand that pure existence and its worldly expression named “Karma Yoga”, “Bhakti Yoga”, “Gyana Yoga” etc. One may follow, which suits him. These are brands in the field, other local ones are also available and as effective as branded. In ancient India Patanjalli,the great Rishi and Lord Buddha organized the way to attain this Perfection as an independent discipline called “Ashtang Yog”(eight steps of addition to get that ONE, PURE,PERFECT & PERMANENT.)

Unknown said...

Now conclude:
There are two way to do the things; first, being governed by the cause and effect i.e. area of logic; Second, being beyond the first. When you believe, devote or whatever you do without subjectivity or with full commitment or without creating a cause, at least on mental plane; you are following the second. It is right way because full commitment means full attention means no division means oneness means perfection and purity. You may label it whatever you feel fit; God or otherwise.

Anonymous said...

nice blog

check this out to view another angle .

SHADE said...

but i DO believe there is a difference between believers and non-believers.....and the difference is BIG

I call it realization....if both of them have passion and belief,then both will reach their destination,no doubt.....but ever noticed how so many people sleep off their whole journey on a train?Yet some people rather have their eyes wide wont land them one station further,but they wont miss the panorama of the journey....the journey called life!

Vidhya.N said...

Very nice definition of God...
Good one