QM: So whats the meaning in finding the reason and logic behind evrything?
JM: When we underststand systems and we know how they work, we can modify them and find new systems with more desired output and for a given input.
QM: But we can also understand systems as a black box, we know whats the output for a given input, and keep changing the input and standerise the input-output respons and hence use the system for the desired output. Its easier isnt it ?
JM: Quite correct, well that might work for a while. But understanding systems gives us insight of the process and we can change the system at basic levels and make them more efficient systems and nvent new systems from preiously existing one. Its like inventing Radar by using the tehnology of Bat.
QM: OK that means in order to invent new systems we must understand the natural systems exiting around us.
JM: Yes
QM: We understand systems because we want to create new things-why do we want to create new things? Is it the same old saying -"Need is the mother of invention"?
JM: Need is not mother of invention, its curiosity. Need only nurtures it, feeds it and makes it popular.
QM: I dont get it?
JM: Edison didnt invent bulb, pressure cooker etc, because he needed it. He invented because he was just curious, wanted to test one of his theories which challenged him. So Curiosity is mother of invetion. But then people liked his invention because they were needed by people. So his invention became popular and invention grew into commercial products. So NEED nurtured the invention and made it big and great.
Discovery of UP-DOWN quartz inside a Massive particle accelarator is also a great discovery but not needed by people right now. But it is still a discovery given birth by Curiosity, NOT need.
Many great inventions did not grow up well due to lack of need.
QM: That sounds OK.
JM: Because it is OK. Curiosity gives birth to invention. Need Nurtures the invention.